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Welcome to the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce

Legislative Committee

Join the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce every first Wednesday of the month for Coffee and Issues - Legislative and Government Affairs meetings. This committee is dedicated to fostering and strengthening connections with local government entities to enhance the business landscape within the City of Deer Park. Discussions during these meetings encompass a range of topics such as economic development, education, workforce, infrastructure, and more. Meetings convene at the Chamber at 9:00 a.m., and the scheduled meeting dates for 2024 are provided below.

Mission Statement

To serve as a proactive voice for the business community, advocating for policies and legislation that foster economic growth, prosperity, and a favorable business environment in Deer Park. We are committed to engaging with government officials, analyzing legislative issues, and educating our members to ensure their interests are represented and protected at all levels of government

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee revolves around representing the interests of the business community at the local, state, and federal levels of government.

Our Goals

  • Advocacy
  • Policy Analysis
  • Community Engagement
  • Education and Awareness
  • Collaboration
  • Monitoring and Reporting
  • Feedback Mechanism
  • Promotion of Economic Development

Chairman of Legislative Affairs Committee

Ross Winkler

Legislative Priorities

Economic Development

Competitive economic development tools are critical for attracting new businesses to the region and growing our economy. The Chamber, alongside Deer Park Independent School District, the City of Deer Park, and our industry partners, supports the redesign/creation of a new school property tax abatement program. This program aims to make our area attractive to emerging industries and ensures our long-term competitiveness.

Workforce Development

Aligning workers’ skills with the needs of industry is key to economic growth. The Chamber supports building relationships between businesses, public education, and our community colleges. Employers need job-ready workers in order to thrive.

Public Education

A strong public education system is critical to the long-term prosperity of Texas. The Chamber supports higher investment in public education, efforts to attract high-quality teachers, and incentivizing funding for career and technology pathways. It is also imperative that we invest in the safety and security of all students.

Health care

Community College Funding

Transportation & Infrastructure

Costal Spine

2024 Meeting Dates

  • March 6, 2024
  • April 3, 2024
  • May 1, 2024
  • June 5, 2024
  • Sept 4, 2024
  • Oct 2, 2024
  • Nov 6, 2024
  • Dec 4, 2024

To learn more about the Legislative Affairs Committee, contact either Paula Moorhaj at or Ross Winkler at or call 281-479-1559.